Molecular Psychiatry – Abstract of article: A neurogenetics approach to understanding individual differences in brain, behavior, and risk for psychopathology
Neurogenetics research has begun to advance our understanding of how genetic variation gives rise to individual differences in brain function, which, in turn, shapes behavior and risk for psychopathology. Despite these advancements, neurogenetics research is currently confronted by three major challenges: (1) conducting research on individual variables with small effects, (2) absence of detailed mechanisms, […]
Neuron – Rare Inherited Variation in Autism: Beginning to See the Forest and a Few Trees
Link to an overview in Jan 2013 Neuron by UCLA researchers Jason Stein, Neelroop Parikshak, and Daniel Geschwind of the Geschwind Lab: ScienceDirect.com – Neuron – Rare Inherited Variation in Autism: Beginning to See the Forest and a Few Trees.
Neuron – The Future of Memory: Remembering, Imagining, and the Brain
Here’s a link to a recent (11/2012) paper in Neuron co-authored by Nathan Spreng, a recent special guest lecturer at CBDMH: ScienceDirect.com – Neuron – The Future of Memory: Remembering, Imagining, and the Brain. Abstract: During the past few years, there has been a dramatic increase in research examining the role of memory in imagination […]
AAAS: Mapping the brain – Only connect | The Economist
Are psychiatric disorders, which leave no visible trace in the brain, caused by connectopathies? The American Association for the Advancement of Science: mapping the brain: Only connect | The Economist.
Madness or sadness? Local concepts of mental illness in four conflict-affected African communities (Abstract)
http://www.conflictandhealth.com/content/7/1/3/abstract Madness or sadness? Local concepts of mental illness in four conflict-affected African communities Peter Ventevogel, Mark Jordans, Ria Reis and Joop de Jong For all author emails, please log on. Conflict and Health 2013, 7:3 doi:10.1186/1752-1505-7-3 Published: 18 February 2013 Abstract (provisional) Background Concepts of ‘what constitutes mental illness’, the presumed aetiology and preferred treatment options, vary considerably from one cultural context […]
How virtual science communities are transforming academic research | Elsevier Connect
How virtual science communities are transforming academic research | Elsevier Connect.
Nature Neuroscience: Focus on Memory
This special focus includes reviews by Daniel Schacter & Elizabeth Loftus (memory and law) and Ryan Parsons & Kerry Ressler (ptsd and fear disorders): Editorial Focus on Memory Focus on Memory– pp111 doi:10.1038/nn0213-111 Full TextFocus on Memory | PDF– Focus on Memory topof page Commentary Focus on Memory Memory and law: what can cognitive neuroscience contribute?– pp119–123 Daniel Schacter […]
Cornelia Bargmann, Judith Rapoport on Charlie Rose Brain Series 2: Schizophrenia
The show includes Danny Hurley, who shares his first-person experiences with the disorder (link to video).
BBC News – Mind Mapping: Inside the Brain’s Wiring (Human Connectome Project)
We believe that these images [of fiber pathways] will be a rich source of biomarkers for diagnosis and management of mental health issues – Van Wedeen, MD, Human Connectome Project BBC’s Pallab Ghosh interviewed Van Wedeen of Massachusetts General Hospital about Ghosh’s own 3-D diffusion spectrum MRI in BBC News – Mind mapping: Inside the brains (via […]
Child Development and Molecular Genetics: 14 Years Later – Plomin – 2012 – Child Development – Wiley Online Library
Fourteen years ago, the first article on molecular genetics was published in this journal: Child Development, Molecular Genetics, and What to Do With Genes Once They Are Found (R. Plomin & M. Rutter, 1998). The goal of the article was to outline what developmentalists can do with genes once they are found. These new directions for developmental research are still […]
Psychiatry | No New Meds | via Science News
Psychiatry seemed poised on the edge of a breakthrough. In early 2011, after decades of no radically new drugs, a fundamentally different schizophrenia treatment promised relief from the psychotic hallucinations and delusions plaguing people with the disease. The new compound, devised by chemists at Eli Lilly and Co., hit a target in the brain that […]
TLS Review of Oliver Sacks’s Hallucinations
It is evident that [hallucinations] involve a top-down shaping – and sense-making – activity of the mind, which eludes the kinds of understanding available to currently fashionable reductionist accounts of the conscious mind as identical with neural activity, seen ultimately as the effects in a material brain wired into its environment of causative material events […]
Frontiers | Embodied Cognition is Not What you Think it is | Frontiers in Cognitive Science
Frontiers | Embodied Cognition is Not What you Think it is | Frontiers in Cognitive Science.
Border Children: Interpreting Autism Spectrum Disorder in South Korea Grinker 2013 Ethos Wiley Online Library
Border Children: Interpreting Autism Spectrum Disorder in South Korea Grinker 2013 Ethos Wiley Online Library.
The Culture of Mental Health in a Changing Oaxaca [dissertation]
Whitney L. Duncan, PhD (link to updated contact info at University of Northern Colorado) Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology University of California, San Diego, 2012 Professor Janis H. Jenkins, Chair Abstract: This dissertation examines the causes and consequences of the recent growth in Euroamerican mental health practice in Oaxaca, one of Mexico’s poorest and most […]
“Redeeming diagnosis in psychiatry: Timing vs. specificity” (Lancet Viewpoint)
Patrick McGorry (University of Melbourne) and Jim van Os (Maastricht University) propose a clinical staging model for psychiatry in the Jan 26, 2013 issue of the Lancet (link).
2013 International Cultural Neuroscience Consortium Conference Program (May 10–12, 2013)
We’re looking forward to the first meeting of ICNC (May 10–12, 2013) at Northwestern. Speakers include two CBDMH affiliated faculty – Xavier Cagigas and Mary-Helen Immordino-Yang of the Culture, Neuroscience and Psychosis) research group. For more information about the conference visit culturalneuroscience.org Tentative Program May 10-12, 2013 Day 1 – May 10, 2013 Population health […]
Announcement: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conference @UCLA
The next regional conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology will take place at UCLA on June 20–22, 2013 (the scientific organizing committee is co-chaired by Patricia Greenfield of UCLA and Steven Heine of UBC). The theme of the conference is “Culture in Psychology: Variation Within and Across National Borders.” For more information about the […]
Strange or Just Plain Weird? Cultural Variation in Mental Illness
There’s an old saying that psychology has two model organisms: the rat and the American college student. As research subjects rats are fine, the problem is that that Americans are, as evolutionary psychologist Joe Henrich and his colleagues recently pointed out, WEIRD. That is, they’re Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Democratic. In fact, most westerners are WEIRD, but […]