Brain science of the 1950’s: “Small patches of illumination surrounded by an uncharted expanse of darkness”

Here’s the link to Mike Jay’s great review of Suzanne Corkin’s new book “Permanent Present Tense: The Man with No Memory and What He Taught the World.”

Listen to Russell Poldrack on UT’s Neuroscientists Talk Shop

Russell Poldrack of UT Austin talks about cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging, and the current focus on connectivity.

Here is the link: Russell Poldrack, NTS March 2013

Real time brain activity in hippocampus! (YouTube video via Stanford and

Ziv Y., Burns L.D., Cocker E.D., Hamel E.O., Ghosh K.K., Kitch L.J., Gamal A.E. & Schnitzer M.J. (2013). Long-term dynamics of CA1 hippocampal place codes, Nature Neuroscience, 16 (3) 264-266. DOI: 

Neuroscientists brainstorm goals for US brain-mapping initiative : Nature News Blog

A two-day meeting in Virginia kicks off the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative neurotechnologies (BRAIN) initiative (i.e., the Brain Activity Map Project):

Neuroscientists brainstorm goals for US brain-mapping initiative : Nature News Blog.