Trauma, Recovery & Culture Call for Papers (SSPC Annual Meeting, May 15–17, 2014)

C L I C K    H E R E    T O    D O W N L O A D    F L Y E R

Hi res SSPC

The Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture announces its annual call for papers for the Charles Hughes Fellowship and the John Spiegel Fellowship in Cultural Psychiatry. The Charles Hughes Fellowship is an annual award presented to a graduate student who has an interest in and commitment to cultural psychiatry and mental health. The John Spiegel Fellowship is an annual award presented to a resident in clinical training who is dedicated to improving clinical care through culturally-informed practice.

Graduate students in the social sciences and clinical residents who are interested in competing for these awards should submit an abstract by September 16, 2013, through the 2014 annual meeting website form: Please check the box regarding consideration for the Hughes or Spiegel fellowship.

In addition to the abstract, the following documents should be submitted:

1. An original unpublished scholarly paper on a topic in cultural psychiatry (8000 word limit including references and tables)

2. A current curriculum vitae

The recipients of the Charles Hughes and John Spiegel Fellowships will present their papers in a plenary session at the annual meeting in San Diego on May 15-17, 2014. Recipients of the fellowships have all registration fees waived. A stipend is provided to defer costs of travel and lodging.

The deadline is September 16, 2013. Please email the manuscript and CV to Brandon Kohrt, email hidden; JavaScript is required. Please use this email address for any questions about the Fellowship. We look forward to receiving your submission.

Charles Hughes & John Spiegel Fellowship Committee Chair
Brandon Kohrt, MD, PhD
The George Washington University, Washington, DC

SSPC President
Steven Wolin, MD, DLFAPA

Annual Meeting Program Chair 2014
Roberto Lewis-Fernandez, MD
Columbia University, New York, NY

To learn more about SSPC and the 2014 annual meeting, please visit our website


Strange or Just Plain Weird? Cultural Variation in Mental Illness

There’s an old saying that psychology has two model organisms: the rat and the American college student. As research subjects rats are fine, the problem is that that Americans are, as evolutionary psychologist Joe Henrich and his colleagues recently pointed out, WEIRD. That is, they’re Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Democratic. In fact, most westerners are WEIRD, but Americans are the WEIRDest of all. – Dominic Murphy, University of Sydney.
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Read the original article, the third in a series (“Matters of Mind”) examining the DSM, and the controversy surrounding the forthcoming fifth edition.

Part one: Explainer – What is the DSM and how are mental disorders diagnosed?

Part two: Forget talking, just fill a script: How modern psychiatry lost its mind.

The Conversation